Our chill-day was AWESOME... we didn't have to meet until 11. It was an awesome way to start the day. We headed out to Starbucks and got our fix while just fellowshipping. Afterward, we headed to our last performance, the Buckner Children's Center (different location.) On the way, Lynette's van took place in a slightly-violent game of banana, while listening to the Muppet's "Muhnun manum (do doo do dooo do), such a laid back and chill ride.
Once we arrived and surveyed the small space, we set up and ran the sets. The kids were already lined up outside, so Patty (of course) and I went to go say hi. They were older than the last kids we were with but just as sweet. We talked
about school, friends, and video games. Turns out Ke was a Modern Warfare gamer, along with Trent, so you know them, JD and I had tons to talk about. After a few minutes of conversation, Patty introduced the final set.

The kids were jittery (it may had something to do with all the sugary candy we had given them) and found it hard to stay still at first. One girl had to get up every few minutes and make as much noise as possible. But it didn't matter. A lot of the kids sat glued, and one girl, Laquesha, who Rachel smiled at during one of the songs, kept trying to catch her attention, but listened intently. The performance was small (we went back to younger/older teams to fit) but it was intimate and the team certainly poured thier everything into it.
We talked again with the kids and Rachael made great friends with Laquesha. She liked Addonai the best because of the reminder it had. Her daddy isn't around very much, and her step-father she doesn't really know. She misses her real dad, and loved Addonai because of the reminder. She was so precious; and wishes she could talk to God all the time. Rachael tried to explain that sometimes God speaks in a still voice, to which the little girl replied "but sometimes, I don't hear him" The girl is saved and very excitedly acknowledged Him as her daddy. Once the leader ordered the kids to take the chairs up, we had to say our goodbyes and packed up.
After doing a full lap around the mall, we met to dress up for dinner. The fiesta tonight was El Fenix, a classy Mexican Restaurant with delicious food. We only had half an hour, but miraculously, us girls managed to get ready in time. The younger girls threw the older girls a fashion show of their many dresses, which was awesome! They would run back and forth between their room and ours, asking which dress we liked best. So cute and so awesome.
Our van got left behind from the group, but only Lynnette and Stephie noticed...the backseat were having fun playing banana, SRC, singing old choir tour songs, and practicing our model poses (well, Michael & James were practicing, the girls were directing) Once we got to the crazy loops of the Texas highways, we all had to silence and help Lynette out. We wove in and out of the lanes, through the exits and cheered when we reached El Phenix “all by ourselves!” We were feeling quite triumphant was we walked in.
When we returned “home” to change and make one more quick stop at the mall. David and some of the olders wanted Toms, so we made a quick run back to Mills. I had to hit up JCP, and JD wanted to get James a shirt. When we got back, they got into the pool and dunked each other (no one yet has been able to get Michael) It was hilarious when Lynnette snuck up and dunked both Rachael and Hannah. David and JD got some good talking in the hottub, while Zach and I got some while rating splashes, belly-flops and other random things the kids did. A great end to a great trip.
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